Corona Chronicles / by Gustav Thuesen

It was a friday evening in Salzburg. It was still winter even though the calendar said early March. The corona virus was now officially a pandemic but panic had not hit Austria yet - there was still toilet paper in the super markets at least. I had spent most of January and February in Austria: Skiing in Bad Gastein with my girlfriend, shooting the Danish Freeride Championships in Fieberbrunn, and shooting a short film with Danish pro-skier Josefine Lützau in St. Anton. The Covid-19 pandemic was spreading in people’s bodies and minds throughout Europe quickly. My girlfriend and I were sitting in her apartment in Salzburg watching another press conference with the Danish prime minister while eating dinner. However, we didn’t eat much as it was announced that the Danish borders would close the following day at noon. 24 hours later we showed our passports at the Danish border.

Three months have passed now. There hasn’t been any big adventures, naturally. But a lot of small ones. Small everyday adventures that stimulated the curiosity. It has been a time for walks around a weirdly quiet city and a lot of bike rides escaping the city to fulfill the need for exploration. It has also been a time where winter became summer. A lot have changed during those three months - dramatic changes in society and then the yearly, but always surprising, change of season.

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All shot on my iPhone.